Bank Safely with JSSB
In a world of hacking, phishing, fraud, and ransomware, JSSB stands as your partner for financial security with online and in-person transactions.
JSSB fortifies your online banking with a technology called Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption.

This is spotted when you see "https" rather than "http" at the beginning of our web address.  You may also notice the address bar is green.  This means the site is secure and encrypted.

Here's How You Can Help:
  • Use an unique complex password with a mixture of numbers, special characters, and capital letters.
  • If you are suspicious about a JSSB security issue, call us at 888.412.5772 or contact your local branch.
  • Always "log out" from your online account at the end of a session.
  • We will never contact you in any way for your banking password, pin number, or any other sensitive information through an email or phone call. Never give out this information!
And, we want to help you be safe everywhere online, not just when using the JSSB website. Here are some additional tips to help keep your information and accounts secure:
  • Always keep your computer's operating system and anti-virus software updated. These updates are your first lines of defense in protecting your system. You should run scans on your computer at least weekly.
  • Think before you click. Navigating to unknown/untrusted hyperlinks is one of the easiest ways to encounter malicious software. Always hover over a link before you click on it to see where it will take you. If you believe the link is secure, navigate to the site manually through your web browser, rather than by clicking the link.
  • Be skeptical of Email attachments. They can carry malware and viruses. Even if the message is from someone you know, the person's account may have been hacked. Scan attachments before you open them.
  • Protect your personal information. People often attempt to use social engineering to get others to reveal personal details online. Be especially wary when using message boards and social media sites.
  • Don't use open Wi-Fi. With no password or encryption, open networks aren't secure.
  • Back up your files to prevent losing them if something happens to your computer.
  • In addition to using strong passwords, create a different password for every site. Many people tend to use the same username and email address for all their online activity. This information is highly visible and normally is one half of a site's authentication process. Using multiple, strong passwords can go a long way in helping to prevent your accounts from being compromised.
  • Surf smart: Aside from hyperlinks and email attachments, malware and viruses also can be disguised as pop-up windows. Some sites will attempt to corner you into clicking "ok" to run a scan or install some type of software. Don't click – and navigate away from these sites.
  • Beware of ads. They're how most malicious software ends up infecting people's computers. These ads may look legitimate but can trick users into clicking/installing something that is dangerous.
  • Ignore infection warnings: These "warnings" often will come to you via emails or pop-up ads that prompt you to install some kind of free software, which, in turn, is malicious.

What is Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Payment Fraud?

Consumers often fall victim to P2P payment fraud when they send funds to the wrong person, often the perpetrator of the attack, who does not hold up his/her end of the transaction. This is due to the fact that the perpetrator is often running a scam.

Another, more rapidly growing, attack style of P2P payment fraud is in the form of an account takeover. An account takeover happens when a user’s credentials are acquired by the fraudster and then used, impersonating the victim, to conduct transactions from the bank account or application.

How to Prevent P2P Payment Fraud:

1. Activate two-factor authentication with P2P payment applications.

2.  Monitor accounts and set up alerting.  Consumers will want to monitor items such as: Dormant accounts suddenly moving cash in and out, unusually high dollar amounts sent, new user/contacts added and change in contact method (phone number, email address, physical address, etc.).

3.  Use smart mobile phone practices:  Create a strong lock screen password that is hard to guess, avoid connecting to public/open Wi-Fi and keeping all application up-to-date.

IC3 - Internet Crime Compliant Center


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